Success is who you are, not what you are trying to be. Yes! You may not look like it yet, but that's the truth for every child of God. In Matthew 5:13&14, Jesus, talking about we being the light of the world and the salt of the earth, said " You are..." , not "You will be". Again I want to reiterate that no matter who you are, where you are or what you've been through, as long as you're a child of God, You are a Success! Glory to God!! However, going down to verse 16 of Matthew 5, you will see that you have a responsibility to let that Success manifest. That is, there are things you have to do to let that Success become evident for all to see. At this point I'd like you to know that Success is not a destination; it is a lifestyle. Success is not futuristic; it is present continuous. Success is not something that will happen someday; it is what you make happen by the things you do everyday! Someone said that the successful do daily what the...