What does it mean to know God?
Knowing God means becoming well acquainted with Him. That is, having a personal and first-hand experience of a relationship with him. Matt 16:13-15.
Take note of the following points about knowing God.
1. Knowing God must be a priority on the list of your desires. Matt 6:33. It is actually a matter of priority, because all other things about you depend on it. The depth of your knowledge of God influences every other aspect or area of your life.
2. Knowing God is not a gift, so you cannot get it by impartation. It's not a gift given to some people and not given to other people. It's a choice, an individual choice backed up by a deep craving.
3. You get to know God progressively, not instantly. Is 28:10. It's a lifelong process. God is so deep. Rom 11:33
4. God wants you to know Him. Jer 9:23,24. He desires that you seek to know Him. Ps 14:2.
How can I know God?
1. Be born-again. John 3:3. That is what gives you access to the knowledge of God.
2. Crave to know Him. That is, hunger and thirst for the knowledge of Him. Matt 5:6; Ps 42:1-2.
3. Fellowship with Him daily, by setting out time to read His Word and pray.
4. Engage with your heart. That is, be genuine and sincere in your quest for the knowledge of God. Ps 27:8; Jer 29:13/30:21.
5. Be meek. Ps 25:9.
6. Learn from those who have gone farther than you in the knowledge of God. This will really help to accelerate your Knowledge of God. Read their books and listen to their messages.
7. Attend church regularly. Ps 133.
The subject of knowing God is very broad. However, putting into practice the basic things I've shared will go a long way in helping you to know him more and more, day by day.
Finally, knowing God is the key to exploits in life. Dan 11:32.
Knowing God means becoming well acquainted with Him. That is, having a personal and first-hand experience of a relationship with him. Matt 16:13-15.
Take note of the following points about knowing God.
1. Knowing God must be a priority on the list of your desires. Matt 6:33. It is actually a matter of priority, because all other things about you depend on it. The depth of your knowledge of God influences every other aspect or area of your life.
2. Knowing God is not a gift, so you cannot get it by impartation. It's not a gift given to some people and not given to other people. It's a choice, an individual choice backed up by a deep craving.
3. You get to know God progressively, not instantly. Is 28:10. It's a lifelong process. God is so deep. Rom 11:33
4. God wants you to know Him. Jer 9:23,24. He desires that you seek to know Him. Ps 14:2.
How can I know God?
1. Be born-again. John 3:3. That is what gives you access to the knowledge of God.
2. Crave to know Him. That is, hunger and thirst for the knowledge of Him. Matt 5:6; Ps 42:1-2.
3. Fellowship with Him daily, by setting out time to read His Word and pray.
4. Engage with your heart. That is, be genuine and sincere in your quest for the knowledge of God. Ps 27:8; Jer 29:13/30:21.
5. Be meek. Ps 25:9.
6. Learn from those who have gone farther than you in the knowledge of God. This will really help to accelerate your Knowledge of God. Read their books and listen to their messages.
7. Attend church regularly. Ps 133.
The subject of knowing God is very broad. However, putting into practice the basic things I've shared will go a long way in helping you to know him more and more, day by day.
Finally, knowing God is the key to exploits in life. Dan 11:32.
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